Wednesday, July 31, 2019

American Nightmare Essay

Let’s face it, the economy is in a horrible condition and it can be seen all across the nation. Education, employment, and balancing life is an everyday struggle for most Americans during these hard time. Citizens are stuck in their social class and can not move up, instead they might even fall below their current standard of living. Immigrants are still migrating to this once marvelous country, but their chances of success are quite slim. Job availability is steadily decreasing, and people are not making enough income to live a decent life. The truth is, the American dream is dead. The dream everyone of this nation hoped to achieved has ultimately become a nightmare. The main reasons why the dream is dead is because of; the deteriorating economy, no governmental support, and lack of individualism. A dollar today is no longer what it used to be in the early years of America. Everyone needs money, there is no doubt about that. A person without money is a typically seen as worthless and can not afford to live a decent life. The problem is, all the necessities we need in life are becoming expensive. It has become very difficult for many to citizens to earn enough to live their life. On a personal basis, my family was forced to put our house on foreclosure. The cost of maintaining a house has become quite expensive. Thousands of people are losing their homes and forced to move into less costly homes. This is seen on the internet, T. V, and even in our neighborhoods. Another example of the economy breaking down is our nation’s gas prices. Gas prices are steadily rising, and it has become difficult for many Americans to receive that full tank of gas. So it begs the question, where does society get the money to pay these things off? In other words, a majority of the nation can not pay off their dues. There are less jobs available to the public which equals less money around. Most citizens are forced to live their lives on a depressing minimal wage budget. America should not be in a situation in this, the government should help stabilize the economy. The government; which is composed of officials, law makers, and congress who created this once prosperous nation. However, where are they now? The government seems to be worried about their own campaigns are affairs outside of the US. They do not seem to have any interest in fixing this nation’s problems and help citizens achieve their dreams and goals. Most especially in broken down ghetto neighborhoods , where governmental help is needed the most. The nation must be equally supported in all cities, to result in a stable government system. An excerpt from â€Å"When Work Disappears† by William Julius Wilson describes the changed environment of a once great and prosperous city. When I walked down 63rd street when I was younger, everything you wanted was there. But know, coming back as an adult with my child, those resources are just gone, completely†¦ And housing, everybody has moved, there are vacant lots everywhere† (199). If the government took time to reconstruct the foundations of cities like these, the motivation to follow the dream would live on. The government needs to focus on current affairs and problems in the nation, then focus on other tribulations in different countries. Environments like the one describe, demoralizes the citizens making them ultimately give up hope. However, within these depressing times the American dream applies to one person, yourself. The American dream is created by what a person’s belief, goals, and dreams are. But, can a person achieve their dream if they have no sense of freedom or individualism in this nation? There are numerous restrictions on the common man, for us to truly express or goals and aspirations. The people of this nation can not pursue anything, if they are â€Å"chained† down by society. This statement is clearly evident is a quote in an article by an anonymous writer, Corpus Chrsti Caller Times. The first part of the American Dream is a country where any of us is free to think, believe, say and do anything we want (within some limits) without worrying about being arrested and jailed by government agents†(Corpus). The government needs to be more lenient if a person’s free speech and ideals. If the government always stops us from reaching our goals, we will never be able to. There must be a sense of balance between the control and freedom on each individual in this nation. The American dream once thought to be attainable during the early years of American’s foundation, is no longer or very difficult to attain in these day and age. These problems are Due to the fact of the poor economy, unsupported government, and lack of individuality. All these problems, and much more within the system of the United States destroy the very ideals of the American Dream. The reality of attaining the so called â€Å"American Dream† has become difficult. To most Americans the will to live life anymore has turned into a nightmare. The constant struggles and tribulations thousands of Americans face in this current era. America can relive the dream, only if the heart of American changes.

Bee Colony Algorithm For Rectangle Packing Problems Design Essay

Packing job is considered as an NP-hard job. It is an optimisation job of happening an optimum agreement of a set of points in a larger container with the aim of minimising the spread on the packing country or maximising the container use. This sort of job occurs in different industries and is important in mechanical design and industry, transit and in the development of a good layout design of an endeavor [ 9 ] . This job has been studied and different algorithms have been applied to come up with an optimum wadding agreement. Some optimisation algorithms that were used in work outing were familial algorithm and atom drove algorithm. Furthermore, another optimisation and swarm-based algorithm called the Artificial Bee Colony ( ABC ) algorithm is presented in this paper. It is an algorithm that is based on the scrounging behavior of bees. In this survey, the research worker will utilize the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm in happening an optimum agreement of jammed rectangles. Packing jobs consider a set of points and a bin that will keep the points which aim to pack points every bit dumbly as possible with really optimum to no spreads. Packing jobs are helpful and widely used in several Fieldss such as in fabrication and in state of affairss like make fulling up containers, lading burden, ship edifice, building and ornament layout and so on [ .. ] . Packing jobs are classified depending on the job ‘s application and aim. Some of the most of import jobs such as cutting stock, backpack and bin packing [ 4 ] are defined below. The cutting stock job is about cutting various-sized pieces out on a given stock sheets. The job can either be a trim-loss job or an mixture job. Trim-loss Problem Trim-loss job is the allotment onto stock sheets of pieces of different sizes demanded by the clients with the purpose of minimising the cost of waste. Assortment Problem The mixture job is concerned in finding the size of the pieces or points to be kept in stock of sheets such that the best choice of points is used so waste is minimized. Knapsack Problem The backpack job describes the procedure of packing the most valuable points into a fixed-sized storage such as a backpack. The job consists of points with matching weights and values and a backpack of limited capacity. The aim of the backpack job is to find which points that maximize the value should be in the backpack given that the entire weight of the points is at most of the weight of the backpack. Taken from [ 12 ] Figure.1: Illustration on the backpack job Bin Packing Bin wadding job has a aggregation of points of different sizes and a figure of bins holding the same horizontal and perpendicular dimensions. There are different sorts of bin packing such as 2D wadding, 3D wadding, additive wadding, battalion by weight and more [ 14 ] . The aim of the job is to merely pack the points into the bins minimising the figure of bins used. Taken from [ 13 ] Figure.2: Bin wadding of different forms Loading Problems Loading jobs deal with rectangular boxes that are to be packed into a rectangular palette. These jobs can be classified into maker ‘s and distributer ‘s burden jobs [ 4 ] . Manufacturer ‘s and distributer ‘s burden jobs are chiefly concerned with the wadding of indistinguishable and non-identical rectangular pieces severally. The aim of lading jobs is to happen an optimum wadding form such that the figure of boxes to be placed in a certain palette or container is maximized. Taken from [ 15 ] Figure.3: Illustration on palette burden jobs for indistinguishable boxes Other Discrepancies of Packing Problems There are several sorts of packing jobs. The followers are some packing jobs that deal in â€Å" happening the maximal figure of a certain form that can be packed into a larger, possibly different form † [ 3 ] . Sphere in Cuboid – a sphere wadding job that involves in happening an optimum agreement of given a set of spherical objects with diameter vitamin D be packed into a cuboid with a size of a ten B x degree Celsius Packing Circles – are some circle packing jobs that attempt to pack a set of indistinguishable circles into a circle or another form Taken from [ 5 ] & A ; [ 6 ] Figure.4: ( a ) Circles in circle, ( B ) Circles in square ( degree Celsius ) Circles in equilateral trigon and ( vitamin D ) Circles in regular hexagon Packing Squares – shows a set of indistinguishable squares packed inside a form such as the square and circle Taken from [ 5 ] & A ; [ 6 ] Figure.5: ( a ) Squares in square and ( B ) Squares in circle Rectangle Packing Problems Rectangle Packing Problem Definition Rectangle wadding job is an optimisation job of apportioning a set of rectangle points into a larger rectangle, the container with the aim of minimising the packing country or the country wasted [ 8 ] . The set of rectangle points has different dimensions of width tungsten and tallness H and the entire country of the points should non transcend the country of the container width W and height H. The arrangement of the points is described by the undermentioned set of restraints [ 8 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] . No imbrication of rectangle points. No points must be wider or taller than the size of the container. Edges of the points must be parallel to the container ‘s border Taken from [ 7 ] Figure.6: Illustration of a authoritative rectangle wadding job process Taken from [ 1 ] Figure.7: A sample wadding of 9 rectangular points – 90o rotary motion allowed Taken from [ 1 ] Figure.8: A sample packing – fixed orientation, no rotary motion allowed Other Rectangle Packing Problems Packing Into An Open-ended Rectangle The job is described as arrangement, without overlapping, a set of rectangle points of different sizes in an open-ended rectangular container of width W. A rotary motion of 90A ° is allowed every bit long as no points overlap. All the rectangle points should be pack in manner that the entire length L of infinite occupied is minimized [ 1 ] . Taken from [ 1 ] Figure.9: A possible agreement of eight points Taken from [ 1 ] Figure.10: Packing into an open-ended rectangles with three different breadths. Packing Into Rectangles of Fixed Size The thought behind this job is similar to usual bin packing jobs. It consists of rectangle points of different horizontal and perpendicular dimensions and a set of rectangular sheets of fixed length and breadth. The aim is to â€Å" happen an agreement of the pieces that minimizes the figure of sheets needed † [ 1 ] . Taken from [ 1 ] Figure.11: Packing into fixed sized rectangles Drove Intelligence Swarm intelligence is defined as â€Å" any effort to plan algorithms or distributed problem-solving devices inspired by the corporate behavior of societal insect settlements and other carnal societies † [ 19 ] . What makes drove based algorithms an interesting mechanism for work outing jobs particularly NP-complete jobs is the two cardinal constructs within, self-organisation and division of labor. Some illustrations of swarm-inspired algorithms and surveies are Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) , ant settlement, bee settlement, flock of birds and more [ 19 ] . The Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm The Artificial Bee Colony ( ABC ) algorithm is a nature-inspired optimisation algorithm defined by Dervis Karaboga in 2005 [ 2 ] . Based on the scrounging behavior of bees, the purpose of the algorithm is to happen nutrient beginnings with high nectar sums and finally take the 1 with the highest sum. In the ABC algorithm, bees are grouped into employed bees, looker-on bees and lookout bees. The employed bees are the 1 that exploit and keep the information of a peculiar nutrient beginning. The information on a specific nutrient beginning is so shared by each employed bees to the looker-on bees through a shake dance. Then, nutrient choice is done by the looker-on bees. These bees determine the quality of the nutrient beginnings and acquire to take the best nutrient beginning. When a nutrient beginning of an employed bee has been abandoned, this bee becomes a lookout bee. Scout bees are responsible for researching and seeking possible nutrient beginnings around the country. The Waggle Dance Bees need to pass on with other bees in order for them to happen and garner nutrient indispensable for the endurance of their settlement. One of the most interesting and challenging mechanisms of discoursing around the carnal land peculiarly Apis melliferas is dancing. Information on a certain nutrient beginning off from their hive is passed on to other bees through a shake dance. A shake dance is performed by a lookout bee informing his hive mates the exact way and distance to the nutrient beginning. During the shake dance, the bee performs an eight-figure form dance where it foremost walks in a consecutive line while waggling his tail back and Forth. Then looping is done in jumping waies and travels the consecutive line over and over once more capable to the way and the distance being relayed. Walking in the consecutive line indicates the way and figure of shakes refers to the distance of the nutrient beginning [ 16 ] [ 17 ] . Taken from [ 16 ] Figure.12: The shake dance The Algorithm The chief stairss of the ABC algorithm from [ 19 ] consisting of the employed bees, the looker-on bees and the lookout bees is given below. Figure.13: Main stairss of ABC Pseudocode of ABC The elaborate pseudocode of the ABC algorithm shown in [ 20 ] is given below: Initialize the population of solutions Xi Measure the population cycle=1 Repeat Produce new solutions ( nutrient beginning places ) Vi in the vicinity of Xi for the employed bees. Apply Greedy Selection Calculate the chance values Pi for the solutions Xi by agencies of their fittingness values utilizing the equation Normalize Pi values into [ 0,1 ] Produce the new solutions ( new places ) Vi for the looker-ons from the solutions Xi, Apply Greedy Selection Process for the looker-ons between Xi and Vi Determine abandoned Solutions, and replace it with new randomly produced solutions Xi for the lookout Memorize the best nutrient beginning place achieved so far rhythm = cycle+1 UNTIL ( rhythm = Maximum Cycle Number ) Initially, random executable solutions ( nutrient beginnings ) are generated and evaluated. Then, the employed bees will seek for new solutions in the vicinity out of the current solutions and the greedy choice is applied. The choice of much fitter solutions is done by the looker-on bees and is dependent on the fittingness value. The nutrient beginnings that do non better after a series of loop are abandoned and the bee associated to it eventually becomes a lookout. The lookout will seek for a new nutrient beginning once more. The whole procedure continues until the expiration standard is satisfied. Neighbourhood Search Neighbourhood searching is the procedure of bring forthing better solutions from the current executable solutions. A new solution is generated utilizing the equation below: ( 1 ) where XA ­ij is the value of cell in solution XA ­i ( current solution ) which is indiscriminately picked, XA ­kj is the value of cell J in XA ­k, a random solution non equal to XA ­i, O is a random value in the scope of [ 0, 1 ] . Greedy Selection The greedy choice is responsible of doing and taking the optimum solution at each phase of the procedure. Fitness Function A fittingness map determines the quality of a nutrient beginning ( solution ) . The higher the fitness value of the equation below, the better the solution is. ( 2 ) where is the cost map Probability Function The chance map determines the chance that a peculiar nutrient beginning will be preferred by looker-on bees. The chance value is calculated utilizing the expression below: ( 3 ) where I is the current nutrient beginning and Sn is the entire figure of nutrient beginnings. Literature Review In the paper â€Å" An Improved Genetic Algorithm for the Packing of Rectangles † by Ming Le Stefan Jakobs [ 22 ] in his paper entitled â€Å" On familial algorithms for the wadding of polygons † implemented a intercrossed attack to familial algorithm. Jakobs used the bottom-left-condition to cut down the figure of possible wadding forms. The initial population is composed of width-sorted sequence of agreements based on the bottom-left regulation. A rectangular piece is moved get downing from the upper right corner of the country and moving every bit far as to the bottom so allotment is done every bit far as to the left corner of the bounding rectangle. This construct of a intercrossed familial algorithm was besides used in wadding of polygons job. Chen Zhao, et al [ 23 ] introduced the construct of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization ( DPSO ) algorithm. In this method, a. For a elaborate treatment on the said method, see [ 23 ] . Statement of the Problem Packing jobs such as rectangle packing belongs to the category of NP-hard jobs since there is no easy manner to find the optimum solution for every instance. Finding the best manner of suiting a figure of rectangles into a larger rectangle is a clip devouring repeating undertaking and involves a really big solution infinite. The ABC algorithm, a new swarm-based methodological analysis, has been proven to be an efficient attack that solves optimisation jobs in assorted countries. Some research surveies besides show that ABC outperforms other optimisation techniques such as familial algorithm. In this survey, the ABC algorithm will be implemented to work out rectangle packing jobs. Therefore, this paper will prove the efficiency of the ABC algorithm in happening the best possible agreement of packing rectangles. Timeline The tabular array below shows the undertakings and their corresponding clip periods that I intend to set about to successfully finish this research. Undertaking No. Time Period Undertaking Description 1 Dec 13 – Dec 19, 2010 Research and reading of bing documents and published surveies sing rectangle wadding jobs and the ABC algorithm. Making of the first bill of exchange of the Thesis Proposal. 2 Dec 21, 2010 – Jan 04, 2011 Execution of the proposed algorithm. Making of the Proposed Approach portion of the thesis. 3 Jan 05, 2011 – Feb 2011 Testing and debugging. Experimentation stage. Making of the 10-page conference paper and 5-page URS paper. 4 Feb – Mar 2011 Finalizing of documents and other necessary demands 5 Mar 2011 Submission twenty-four hours

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personal Statement: M.A. in Graphic Design Communication Essay

I believe I am more than qualified to be considered for admission in the school’s Masters in Graphic Design Communication program as I possess the needed knowledge, skills, experience, and most of all, attitude, which would allow me to become successful in the field. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Graph Design Communication and received my M. A. certificate in Marketing in 2008. Basically, I consider these as two of the most important accomplishments in my life as they have enabled me to fully utilize my skills and made me grow as an artist. I consider Graphic Design Communication as my bread and butter because it allows me freely express my inner feelings and thoughts and in the process, showcase my talents. I have always been the type of person who has always shown the willingness to express myself and I believe that the best way to do so is through the various activities I perform in my course. I also find little difficulty in adapting to the challenges presented to me because I have always shown superb creativity and confidence in everything that I do. As a student in Graphic Design Communication, I can honestly say that I performed very well and showed that I deserve to be in that course. I always ensured that I prioritize my education above anything else because I know that it will serve as an important foundation for my future. I developed good study habits while at the same time allocating enough time for my family and other activities that fostered my growth as a person. I was also very active in extracurricular activities in school, particularly those that involved the arts because I realized that as a student and a budding artist, I cannot learn everything in the classroom and I must seek other sources of knowledge and information. I consider those extracurricular activities as an excellent ground for me to hone my skills and talents which I would no doubt be able to put into good use in the future. On the other hand, my experience in the field of marketing has allowed me to incorporate my skills in graphic design communication in the advertising and selling of products and goods. The field also helped me further develop myself as an artist and provided me with a renewed sense of creativity. However, I believe that what sets me apart from the others is my enthusiasm in the field of graphic design communication and the arts in general. I have always had the passion for art and design and I constantly update myself with latest information and trends in the field. I am basically the type of person who constantly seeks to learn new things and lessons as this would contribute to my over-all growth. Furthermore, I am also the type of person who has high standards in most aspects of my life. In school, I always made sure that I maintained good grades. As an artist, I constantly review and assess my work because I want to ensure that my finished product or piece is of the highest quality. In other words, throughout my entire life, I have never settled for mediocrity nor have I ever accepted results that are below standards. This attitude of mine generally enabled me to become a person who constantly seeks self-improvement. Most of all, I believe I would carry this attitude with me as I seek higher education. In short, my array of skills and talents, my vast knowledge, my positive attitude towards life, and most of all, my passion for my course would not doubt enable me to make an impact on the field of Graphics Design Communication. If I am fortunate and blessed enough to accepted, I would utilize all my skills and work very hard so that in the future, I can become a versatile, well-rounded, and highly competent professional in my field.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discuss how communication within an inter-professional team could Essay

Discuss how communication within an inter-professional team could affect collaborative working strategies - Essay Example Sometimes, patients cannot communicate verbally due to sickness and have to resort to nonverbal communication to interact with staff. Healthcare professionals must have the necessary listening and verbal and nonverbal communication skills (Beebe and Mottet, 2013:32). Consequently, effective clinical practice requires many cases where vital information must be relayed verbally and nonverbally and listening skills must be honed and applied. Team collaboration and inter-professional communication are essential. When healthcare practitioners are not using verbal and nonverbal communication effectively, as well as listening closely to patient needs, the lives of patients may be at risk (Markel, 2013:21). Lack of vital information and misinterpretation of information, poor listening skills, ignored changes in status and body language, and unclear orders using communication tools like mobile phones can endanger the lives of patients and put healthcare professionals in major dilemmas (Markel, 2013:25). Poor verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as poor listening skills, creates scenarios where medical mistakes can occur. These mistakes have the potential to result in serious injuries or sudden patient deaths. In the UK, mental health mistakes, especially those caused by poor communication and listening, are a major challenge in current organisations (Happell, Platania-Phung, Scott, & Nankivell, 2014:37). According to research conducted by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organisations, mental health mistakes would rank 5th in the list of top ten causes of patient deaths in America if they were included in the annual official statistics. This is ahead of serious illnesses like Alzheimer’s, gunshots, AIDS, diabetes, breast cancer, and accidents (Waldeck and Kearney, 2013:34). The study also revealed that over 50,000 people die in America every year because of medical mistakes. In the UK, up to 33,000 patients die annually

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Trust within EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Trust within EU - Essay Example There have been a number of things that make the EU members to mistrust each other. This is especially so between the older members and the new members. The fact that most of these countries in the EU have different standings on different issues such as the economic and judicial systems makes trust a serious issue in the EU. Those countries in the EU which are former communist members of the soviet have been accused of not being collaborative enough in implementing the right economic and the legal system. This has led to the mistrust which is in twofold. First, the older members of the EU do not trust the newer members, most of them having been former members of the Soviet Union. They feel that these newer members may not be desiring to bring in to the union as much as they should. The newer member states at the same time have also been mistrusting the older members because they feel that they may be taken advantage of, especially with regard to economic exploitation. This has led to high, tensions and this mistrust has led to the some of the members being suspended from the union. New members have been required to fully conform to EU standards (Lewis, 2000, p.116). At the same time, the role and mandate of EU in the region continue to change and increase (Woolcock, 2009, p.149). According to Molle (2006, p.12) all forms of integration requires some form of permanent agreement that will bind the different members together. These agreements scan lead to mistrust when some members feel that they are being put to a disadvantage. Mythology To be able to get the data regarding the issue of trust within the EU, the study will look for various sources of information ranging from the fallowing; Websites The issue of trust in the EU has been abundantly evident, and there are professional websites that have published and publicized the issue over time. Most professional websites have provided credible information about the issue and have also given enough data and statis tics regarding the factors that have made trust an issue. These statistics revolve around issues such as, democracy, economic systems, and the level of corruption, especially with regard to ex-communist members in the EU. These websites will provide useful and credible information with regard to the issue of trust. Books Since the EU was formed, a lot of authors, both academic and professional, have written about the issue of trust in the EU. These books tackle various topics ranging from economics to politics of the EU. Both positive and negative information has been written about the EU, and this provides a good research ground to understand the internal workings of the EU. Some have criticized the EU by saying that its goals are just big pink elephants that will never be realized. Similarly, there are those who have given praise to the union and see it as a savoir in the European continent. These books will provide a good research foundation for this study. Journals and magazines Journals and magazines have also published information about the EU since it was formed. The current issues of trust within the union have been a difficult topic covered by the many journals and magazines available. These journals and magazines also provide good insights and understanding about the issue o

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Csr and mcdonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Csr and mcdonalds - Essay Example As a corollary of the above job enrichment and enlargement policies and programs were initiated with a view to encouraging and motivating the staff to accept new challenges. For instance employee welfare practices though were not many, could be seen to a certain extent in some of the surveyed restaurants. Absenteeism and labor turnover figures were low. In fact labor turnover figures were high only among crew members because most of them were college undergraduates doing a stint to cover up tuition fees. Most probably customer harassment could have contributed to the above average labor turnover figures among the crew members at McDonalds restaurants in Leicester in particular and elsewhere in general. McDonald's pay is based on performance and the monetary incentives are intended to encourage employees to perform better in the jobs and employees might require non-monetary incentives too to remain their current jobs in the long run whilst reducing the degree of turnover. Thus the pay rates determination criteria at McDonald's are essentially determined by evaluation techniques of the HRM Department. For example employees at these restaurants were given a selected array of monetary and non-monetary incentives with the hope that the well trained and skilled employees would not leave their jobs at least in the short run. While HRM related aspects of the retention strategy was focused on employee welfare, there was much less focus on the long term organizational capability building measures to retain employees. The best example of this inadequacy can be found in the fact that the whole staff at McDonald's takes customer harassments for granted.This research study has found a significa nt amount of positive correlation between McDonald's HRM strategy and productivity gains though the extent to which such gains can be attributed to HRM strategy isn't clear. In the first instance as suggested in the Literature Review, the theoretical perspectives on motivation and performance have taken a new turn with greater emphasis on Strategic HRM. Secondly cultural diversity of the workforce at McDonald's requires such SHRM practices to be aligned with international trends. Thus as borne out by the majority of responses to the questionnaire performance related pay at McDonald's would have a positive impact on employee motivation and the Company would try to maximize their incentives. However it has been identified as the most desirable policy to achieve organizational goals and survive in the long run. McDonald's success in Leicester could be attributed to well managed labor relations and good motivation policies in order to encourages greater participation of the employees in the decision making process of the company. Next those four McDonalds restaurants in Leicester along with the other three have not displayed any noteworthy divergence from the theoretical and conceptual contingency framework of analysis applied here as illustrated in the McDonald's approach to CSR. For example all McDonald's restaurants place equal emphasis on animal welfare, education, environment, people, quality and safety and Ronald McDonald's House Charities (RMHC). The connected success factors - sustainable supply chain, nutrition and well being,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Paradise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paradise - Essay Example These days, we use it as a getaway since none of the member of my family is interested in hunting. A night in the cabin is a wonderful and peaceful experience, the sound of night birds and sometimes a cool breeze lulls you to sleep gently so that I not I fall asleep feeling as if the wild is inside with me, but not in a fearful but natural and comforting way. The cabin is made of logs, and it has seen better days, however as I said paradise does not have to be perfect in the sense of the word. In the morning, rays of; sun stream merrily trough the some of the crack in the walls and make incredibly beautiful patterns and with dust particle seemingly dancing in the light which appear to be carrying them like long super thing multicolored florescent bulbs. Then there is the music, in the morning here, birds seem to set up an orchestra, and one wakes up to the most melodious and sweet music imaginable, birds crowd the bird feeder at the back of the house. As they feast, on whatever I had put out for them the previous night, their singing more than makes up for the trouble. At the cabin, there is no telephone or electricity and I have to depend on lanterns and a wooden fire, under other circumstances, I would find this tedious, but here it simply adds novelty to the adventure and makes it more romantic. For breakfast, I normally have fried bacon and coffee the latter, which I cook using an old-fashioned skillet that used to belong to my grandfather. Most of the times when I go to the cabin, I spend the day wandering around in the neighboring woods often snapping pictures and enjoying the idyllic life of woodsman. Apart from my camera the only other gadget, I allow myself is an iPod on which I sometimes listen to my favorite songs as I watch the sunset from one of the hammocks at the back of the cabin. While the cabin holds its own unique thrills, the highlight of any visit is in the long walks I take through the woods, my favorite is a path I transverse the wood for about 4 miles and ends up at a beautiful waterfall. I often set off after breakfast at around 7 am as I slowly make my way downwards, I often stop to admire the flowers as they blossom in their thousands of different colors all, which I take in with new wonder each time I see them. The morning dew glistens and the yellow rays of the new sun reflect on them forming kaleidoscopes that simply astound me. The earth is soft since it is rarely trodden on, on the leaves of the many overhanging trees, as a result of deficient sunlight reaching the soil has a sweet dump smell that reminds me of the smell that results when sudden rain hits parched earth. The soil is mostly dark almost blackish and soft enough to make one feel like they are walking on cotton, but not damp enough to be muddy. The flowers different scents added to this make it a cocktail of the sweetest and freshest smells I very get to experience. I often walk this way for a few hour, and I take many pictures, which often end up adorning my desktop others some posters on my walls back home. The woods thin out as I approach the river and by this time the sun is beginning to be a bit too hot, but this doesn’t bother me in the least since I k now I will soon find respite, from the heat. From afar, the waterfall looks almost like a cutout from a Disney world movie, and one almost expects it to fade away and give way to something

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Content Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8750 words

Content Writing - Essay Example Students have to be much more careful for their to prepare it and coordinate relevant data, survey and out come. Without a prior knowledge of its structure and delivery, it would be quite difficult to bring successful outcomes. Thus, you need someone to guide your academic dissertation be in the form proper track. –AAA-- is ready to serve you as your reliable partner. An artistic performance of your academic dissertation should bring the highest successes for your both academic and career level. The length of your academic dissertation should differ depending on your specific degree. The Academic dissertation presented, as part of the necessities for an undergraduate degree are typically much more smaller than those presented as part of the necessities for a Ph.D. Its length may be measured in number of words or number of pages. Paper size, line space and font sizes are also relevant to the measurement. Abstract, Appendix, Content page and bibliography may not be counted within your work. Formulations of academic dissertations have certain official procedure relevant to your Dissertation Topics assigned by your academic council. –AAA— is here to help you in every aspect of academic dissertation even fully written and ready to submission to your academic council to deliver your degree. At –AAA— we have most professional writers who knows the academic dissertation preparation and how valued it is for your. They are familiar with your university instructions, guidance, language style, referencing and necessary outcomes that are keen to see in your paper. Our writers and researchers always produce very unique paper for you. English writing style whether it would be UK or US is another predominant factor for academic work especially for the international students whose mother tongue is not English. At the same time some different Universities ask for different referencing style like APA, MLA, Harvard, California or Oxford

Timeliness of the Concepts and Theories of the Practice of Management Essay

Timeliness of the Concepts and Theories of the Practice of Management by Drucker Peter - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the book â€Å"The Practice of Management† by Drucker Peter became famous and a manifesto of the time because it laid bare and explained the topic of management.   In this book, Drucker explained that management was a profession just like law and medicine, and thus it should aim at getting the best from people. The concepts outlined by Drucker became important guidelines for managers and executives of firms in the 1950s. Drucker’s theories and concepts were not only applicable in the 1950s. They are still applicable to today’s firms. According to Drucker, the only sustainable advantages for an organization are the quality and performance of management. This is true of today’s firms in that their performances are a good reflection of the quality and performance of their managers. Currently, firms are more sensitive to the quality of their management than in the past. To back up this theory, Drucker lists the duties of management that are aimed at improving the performance of the firm, these duties still applying to the management of today’s firms. Another theory postulated by Drucker in the book is that managerial capabilities will be challenged by advances in technology and automation because they will produce a highly skilled and highly knowledgeable workforce. Currently, firms are employing managers with high capabilities to lead their highly skilled and highly educated employees. In the book, Drucker explains the concept of the firm and points out six important points under this. First, Drucker states that organizations and managers should be outward looking. Considering today’s firm's managers do not just allow themselves to be influenced by the external environment. Instead, they also try to shape it through creativity. The description of organizations as social institutions still applies to today’s organizations because, in addition to being created and manag ed to be people, they also contribute to the society, economically and socially. Drucker views businesses as organizations pursuing multiple goals, both economic and non-economic. This is true of today’s firms considering that they conduct profit and non-profit making activities like charity works. Drucker identifies innovation as an important concept of a firm and as seen today, firms are placing a great emphasis on innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship as a way of gaining a competitive advantage over similar firms. Drucker describes the firm as a focused organization. This concept is evident and applicable in today’s firms in that the management always align the resources of their firms towards the achievement of their primary objectives. Finally, the concept of firms as being spirited is still applicable today. Managers of firms develop motivated managers out of their workforce through activities that enhance personal growth among employees. A "big loser" org anization Firestone Tire and Rubber Company is one organization that can be singled out in the history of the 20th century as a big looser organization and the theories and concepts described in by the selections of part III greatly apply to it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mental Health Nursing Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mental Health Nursing Care - Essay Example These thoughts and feelings affected my behavior by making me more irritable towards them or thinking general thoughts about them – that people with mental behavior are to be ignored or discounted by society. I hope to be proven wrong in all my thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about the mentally ill. I hope that I would be given a reason to change these perceptions. After watching the DVD, I was changed significantly in all my perceptions, feelings, attitudes, and my future behavior towards mental illness and the mentally ill. I now know that I was wrong to think, feel, and behave the way I did about the mentally ill. I now know that the labels society places on those who have mental illness may sometimes be wrong and that our beliefs about people with mental illness may be (and sometimes is) wrong. I also believe now that people with mental illness can actually function well in society and can contribute significantly to normal societal functions and activities. I am happy to have been proven wrong in my perceptions about mental

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How have public sector spending cuts affected Government outsourcing Essay

How have public sector spending cuts affected Government outsourcing - Essay Example The private sector is currently creating new jobs while the public sector is slashing the workforce. The UK budget deficit is still high despite councils implementing budget cuts in highways maintenance, property service and refuse collection. Most of the government departments are considering outsourcing as a viable method of attaining value-added benefits to the services enjoyed by the citizens (Flynn, 2012). Currently, the UK government outsources more than 80 billion pounds of public sector services and the figure is estimated to reach 140 billion pounds by the year 2015 if the current trend continues. The information technology department is one of the public sector departments that have experienced massive spending cuts. The UK government has axed 95 million UK pounds on IT spending thus leading to high job losses (Flynn, 2012). The UK government has reduced spending on advertising and new contracts with management consultants. The spending cuts are spread in construction, professional services, facilities management department and information and communication technology. The Efficiency and Reform Group is keen on cutting spending cutting the spending on advertising to only the essential advertisements (Flynn, 2012). The media companies such as Trinity Mirror have reported a decline in the value of the shares after the government froze new civil service recruitments. The department of Work and Pensions has made more than 70 million pounds in savings after reducing the spending on IT consultancy and marketing services. The government is also negotiating for cost reductions in the approved IT projects in order to reduce the overall costs of the projects (Flynn, 2012). However, critics of public spending cuts have warned that the current slash on spending will slow down the economic recovery. For instance, Morgan Sindall construction Group warns that reducing the budget on school construction will negatively affect the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Western Civilization Essay Example for Free

Western Civilization Essay Rome was one of the greatest empires that ever lived. With all of its power, it was the center of the world. Rome was a united empire and with the support of its citizens the empire went on to live for many years. Rome had many strengths such as wealth, location, and especially their military. Their geographical location made them very strong and powerful because being by the sea made trade easy as well as exporting and importing to help grow the empire. The Roman Empire started small and rapidly spread through Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The Roman Empire was lead by emperors. For many years Romans controlled all parts of the government and military, but slowly they started to fall apart. Every decision that Rome made had a vast affect on the empire. Because of the decisions the Roman Empire made, it created a domino affect on the empire and the empire then started to fall apart. Also, many thoughtless decisions made by emperors weakened the city and eventually caused the Roman Empire to crumble. The empire declined due to political, economic, and religious reasons. It also declined because of the military and the decreasing population. The Roman Empire began in 27BC and before that it was called the Roman Republic. Since they expanded and gained so much power they became the Roman Empire. While the Roman Empire grew, so did everything else. It made many improvements in the arts and sciences. They also encouraged men and women to have an education. The Romans was a modern empire because it allowed their people to be free, but also have them understand that they have to follow the laws. Most empires did not allow the freedom the Roman Empire gave their people, and that is why the Roman Empire was one of the best. The reasons why the Roman Empire was the best because it kept the society together and the military helped with they safety of the people. One reason why the Roman Empire declined was because of religious views.  Rome was united because they followed the same religion. Since they followed the same religion, views, and ideas it kept them together. The Roman religion affected the people in a good way and taught them to stay together. The new religion of Christianity started to attract a majority of the Romans. Everyone started to follow Christianity and it become part of everyone’s’ lives. Since everyone started to follow Christianity and what is what doing to the people, the Roman emperors felt that Christianity was really powerful and could be a possible threat to the Roman Empire. Many of the Romans committed to the faith of Christianity and they refused to abandon it because it was the most important part of their life. The Romans took their beliefs very seriously and would do anything to keep them. Because the Romans went against the Emperors, it led to many differences in the society. Also, Romans started to disconnect from the â€Å"united† Roman Empire. The Romans were splitting up and they were not united anymore. This caused the decline in patriotism and the Romans were not as patriotic as they used to be. The Romans disunity from the religion also caused problems in politics and government. By the time Constantine legalized Christianity it was too late because the Roman people were already on their own. The ruling to ban Christianity was a terrible decision and caused the empire to fall. Another reason why the empire fell was because of the many political problems. One major problem with the Empire was that it was a huge city, spreading from Spain to the Persian Gulf. The Roman government system was built to control a small region, not an empire. Since the empire was so huge, it was very hard to go from one side to the other side. Because of the huge area it was also hard to communicate with everyone. Back the, they did not have clear roads or cars to travel so it was hard to keep the whole empire under one government. Because they could not keep the whole empire together, two capitals were created. The capitols separated the empires, the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire, but they were still one huge empire. They followed the same laws, rules. Adding the second capitol however, added economic problems. The government could not control the whole region and started to make mistakes. The emperors in charger after the huge empire was created were not trained to deal with the huge land; and that is why they  made mistakes. With that, the soldiers lost trust of the emperors and started to take orders from the general. In those times, the military was mostly everything and that showed how strong and powerful the empire really is. Because of this military not trusting the emperor, it was most likely that the empire would fall. Because they expanded so much and did not know how to control it caused their decline. When the Empire was split into the eastern and western half it caused many problems. Splitting the region resulted in having two different emperors. Having two different rulers caused much confusion and they both had different ideas. The Eastern half of the Empire was made up of the heavily urbanized and rich trading cities of Greece, Persia, and Egypt, whereas the Western Empire was comprised of rather poor, small cities and extensive farmland. Splitting the empire caused the people to be not united. Having the people ruled by separate emperors was difficult because the Roman Empire is used to being united and together. This caused people to have more of an opinion, which caused the decline of the Empire as a whole. The most important factor that leads the fall of Rome was the decline of the economy. The Romans were very wealthy, but slowly their economic system started to decrease. Rome made most of its money from taking over other countries and empires. When they invaded other countries and territories they took their money and resources to help the Roman Empire grow. They stopped getting their money because there were no more countries or empires to take over or conquer. Since Rome did not have a fixed economy, they had no more money. The Romans did not set up an economy where they would have a flow of money. Also, when the military declined, other nations stopped paying tributes and taxes that ran the military and the empire. This led to the Roman Empire not having enough money to support the empire. Because money was scarce, roads and bridges were stopped being built; which led to a decrease in trade. One way they were making lots of money was from trade. Since that was decreasing, it stopped them getting money. Because there were less places to travel, trading decreased. Because the people had no one too trade their food with farmers were affected. Eventually, the farmers entirely died out and Romes main economic giver was lost. Also, wars were a great impact on the economy. The Roman Empire fought many wars, and as they  fought more, they needed more money. The empire was spending most of the money in the military. Later on they did not have the money to support the military. Because they needed more money, they started to make more coins. Making more money caused inflation. Because the government could not receive money through other places, their empire slowly declined due to the inflation. The economic problem caused many other problems to arise. Since they had no money, they couldn’t protect their country or their people. Because of the economic issue everything else started to fall apart and that is why the main reason of the empire’s decline was because of their economic issues. The Roman Empire also was not very up to date with using and inventing technology, which caused some of the fall. The Roman Empire was using slaves to do many of their work. The empire was an agricultural economy so most of their money would come through farming, so they would have slaves doing this. Since they had slaves, they did not progress in terms of advancing their technology. Having people do their work for little or no pay, they did not realize it would affect them. When something was needed, they would just use the slaves to make it or get it. This caused the empire to decline because they never furthered their research or technology to keep up with the rest of the world. Because they did not have the resources to keep updated they were being left behind and other countries were invading the empire. Also, they did not advance in their weapons, so the military was weak. They didn’t invent any new weapons, while other countries and empires were having new weapons. Havi ng no technology caused the empire to decline. The decline of the Roman Empire was also caused because of the empires leaders. If the leaders were qualified and knew which was best for the empire, the empire may have survived. For example, the emperors should have made a correct system for the economy. If they had a legitimate way of getting money, then the empire would have not crashed. Since the emperors believed they would be getting money from their takeovers, they would be okay. They did not realize that one day they would be no more places to conquer. Also, when the trading had stopped, the emperors should have found another way to do the trading, but they did not. The emperors of the Roman  Empire were not experienced enough to handle the responsibility and that is why the Roman Empire fell. Also, Christianity was outlawed to keep all of the Roman citizens under complete control, but that did not happen. The people rebelled when they were told they could not follow Christianity. The emperors also could not control their huge empire. Because they were wide spread, they had a hard time keeping everything and everyone under control. With the right leadership, many of these problems would have not even occurred. Also, problems would have been resolved much quicker because the leader would know what he is doing. Another important reason for the decline of the empire was the invasions. The Romans have been fighting against the barbarians for many years. The Roman Empire had to be on the look out from the barbarians that lived on the borders. These barbarians formed a constant threat for invading Rome. Since the empire was so big, it needed more manpower to cover all the borders. After time, they did not have enough people in the military to secure the borders, After time, the barbarians were out numbering the Romans. They were also getting stronger. The barbarians started to close in on the Empire. During the war, Rome was not as powerful and the barbarians were crushing them. The Romans could not defeat them because the barbarians kept coming. The barbarians completely overwhelmed the Roman people. The Romans were getting killed and no one to replace them with. Because the shortage of people in the military, the barbarians came and invaded the Roman Empire. The empire could not protect itself because of the multiple problems. One problem caused another and another. If Roman Empire had money to support the military and have it be strong as powerful like it was before, the Empire would have not been invaded. Towards the end of the empire, the decreasing in population had an effect on the empire. Depopulation occurred for many reasons. Because there was no trade, there were no farmers and industries, and also less people in the military. The shortage of industry led to Romans importing goods rather than exporting. Since they had no money, industries did not have enough money to run and make goods. Therefore, people who worked in the industries had no jobs and had to go elsewhere to get a job. The shortage of farmers led to  Romans depending on other nations for food, basic needs of life. Depending on other countries did not help that much because they did not always give the Romans what they wanted and when they wanted it. The military was reduced because there was not enough people to join and keep it as big as they did before. This shortage of people was brought on by a few factors. Because of having economic problems, people left, which made the Roman Empire smaller and weaker. The military was not as big as it used to be which caused other nations to see the Roman Empire as weak. There were many reasons why the Roman Empire declined. It took the Roman Empire many years to come to an end. The Roman Empire stood for many years and it was one of the best empires that ever stood. The empire was strong and united, but eventually it came to an end. The economy was one big problem because it affected and started many other problems to follow. When the economy crushed, it caused a huge affect on the empire as a whole. The empire was not getting money, which stopped many projects and trading. The empire was not strong and powerful anymore because they had no money to support the military and trading. Other big problems were the religious and political issues. Christianity had a major outlook as it came into effect. When the new religion came about, it caused the people to separate and question their emperor. The new religion caused a lot of abruption being that the emperor banned it from ever being believed in. Many of the poor political decisions caused the decline. With the land getting bigger and bigger the government did not know how to control it and made two capitals. Having two capitals instead of caused the Roman Empire to separate and united. Some of the few small problems were the technology advancement they did not have. Not being up to date with technology caused a problem because they were using their old ways. Because they did not have the technology they were not as powerful. All of these reasons were causes to why the Roman Empire declined. Works Citied Goldsmith, Edward. The Fall of the Roman Empire. n.pag. Web. 15 Nov 2012. . Gibbon, Edward. General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Ancient History Sourcebook n.pag. Web. 15 Nov 2012. . Bartlett, Bruce. HOW EXCESSIVE GOVERNMENT KILLED ANCIENT ROME . . N.p.. Web. 15 Nov 2012. The Fall of the Roman Empire. . Ancient Civilization . Web. 15 Nov 2012. Slavery In Ancient Rome. Ancient History Sourcebook n.pag. Web. 15 Nov 2012. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Plant Layouts of Production of Isoamyl Alcohol

Plant Layouts of Production of Isoamyl Alcohol PLANT FACILITIES LAYOUT The economic construction and efficient operation of a process unit will depend on how well the plant and equipment specified on the process flow sheet is laid out. A facility is regarded as a building or a precinct. The process units and ancillary buildings should be laid out to give the most economical flow of materials and personnel around the site. Hazardous processes must be located at a safe distance from other buildings. Consideration must also be given to the future expansion of the site. A layout of a building is the map that shows the location of the building around the isoamyl alcohol plant such as car park, cafeteria, mosque, stores, workshop, laboratory and others. The most important place workers need to know is fire assembles point which a designated place where people have been told to wait after evacuating a building in the event of a fire or other emergency. A model facilities layout should be able to provide an ideal relationship between raw materials, equipment, m anpower and final product at minimal cost under safe and comfortable environment. According to Riggs, the overall objective of plant is to design a physical arrangement that most economically meets the requirement output quantity and quality. Irregular plant layout will disturb the flow production and relationship among management and other staff member. The objective of the plant layout is: Provide a systematic process in the plant. Reduce material handling cost. Reduce hazard to personnel. Increase employee morale. Reduce accident in the plant. To provide optimum space to organize equipment and facilitate movements of goods. Figure 1: Plant layout of isoamyl alcohol production plant Figure 1 above shows the plant layouts of production of isoamyl alcohol and the important element in this layout. There is a power station which will be supply power to the whole plant so that there will be enough power to generate the production of plant. If the plant having a sudden loss of power source, the plant can continue to operate normal as there is generator powerful enough to supply electricity as backup source of power source as the main power station is being fix to normal condition. Thus, this will prevent loss in term of time and production rate of company including avoiding from emergency cases such as overheating of equipment as cooling process is being disturbed. There are also facilities for workers such as wide parking area, cafeteria and a room for prayer. Then, maintenance store and workshop facilities provide the spare part and maintenance of the instrument in the plant. The spare part capacity need to be control to avoid any disturb to the process line in case of emergency. The Fire assembly area is to provide the safe location if fire occur in the plant. The fire assembly area is important to check all employees safe from the incident. This location is choose by focus on a safe distance from the building and the space is large enough for all the workers in the plant to gather. Storage store refers to the controls the inflow quantity and quality of the raw material supply which are chlorine, sodium hydroxide and pentane in a high quality. This important to avoid excess amount of raw material in the plant because buying to many raw material will results tremendous space and cost to maintain them. In this section will involve the recording of raw material inflow and outflow in the plant in order to reduce the cost of operation. This storage tanks that containing hazardous materials is sited at least 70m (200 ft) from the site boundary and the main storage areas are placed between the loading and unloading facilities and the main process un it. Laboratories are placed well away from potentially hazardous processes. In order to obtain high quality of the isoamyl alcohol production, the raw material supply needs to achieve the specification level that has been set in this company. This area will running the test for production line and raw material supply. Every raw material that being supply for production area need to be passed a quality test to control the quality of the product. All the analysis equipment will be located in the laboratory. The important part in the plant, this is the production of isoamyl alcohol occur. All the instruments involve in the production of isoamyl acohol will set in this area and systematic arrangement of instrument need to have in order to have efficient production line. The isoamyl alcohol production will undergoes chlorination, fractionation, hydrolysis and distillation process. Cooling towers are sited so that, under the prevailing wind, the plume of condensate spray drifts away from the plant area and adjacent properties.

Cadbury Strategic Analysis

Cadbury Strategic Analysis The individual report assesses the critical aspects of the strategic choices available to Cadbury. Recommendations are given to assess the companys perspectives on the revenue growth and profit as well as market share. The report assesses marketing strategy models applied by Cadbury to indicate its market and competitive position. Furthermore, strategic segmentation is critically evaluated on the basis of the multi-step process to identify the most financially attractive segments for Cadbury. Available industry position strategic options are identified on the basis of the strategic framework. Competitor reaction provides critical assessment of possible competitors reactions as well as competitors strategic options that are counteractive to Cadburys strategic plans. Finally, the report proposes and justifies the most preferable strategic option for its further business operations. Cadburys background In 1831 John Cadbury founded his company Cadbury which has successfully covered and revolutionized the cocoa processing market since 1866. In 1969 Cadbury successfully merged with Schweppes. Today, internationally acknowledged as a reputable corporation with the acclaimed international status, Cadbury Schweppes PLC (hereinafter referred to as Cadbury) successfully employs more than 50,000 people in 60 countries of the world  [1]  . The company is strategically positioned as the fourth top supplier of sugar confectionery and chocolate in the world. The most successful product promoted by the company since 1905 is Dairy Milk which has become the most popular moulded chocolate in the UK as well as internationally acclaimed chocolate bar in terms of revenue  [2]  . Overall, Cadburys strategic success is due to three core pillars: high quality, sound advertising, and value for money  [3]  . 1. Marketing Strategy Models Cadbury strategically applies marketing models as a combination of activities to transfer its products to the end-customers. Vast variety of marketing activities requires proper management of to effectively promote products on the confectionary markets through marketing channels. In its strategic choice of appropriate marketing model, Cadbury emphasizes on such strategic issues: Connecting Cadbury with customers; Performing sales, promotions and advertising; Impacting Cadburys pricing strategy; Influencing product strategy through willingness to stock, branding policies, and profit customizing  [4]  . The selection of the most advantageous marketing strategy for Cadbury depends on a number of factors. Thus, marketing strategy should be perceived as the designated action plan which will help Cadbury to reach its strategic aims and objectives. Cadburys long-term marketing strategy (based on Ansoff matrix) concerns the launch of new chocolate brands and their promotion on the global markets. Alternatively, the company should win more international markets through the manufacturing and exporting new products (e.g. cereal bars). Further recommendations concern the appropriateness of the strategic choices to be made by Cadbury in the nearest future  [5]  . In terms of further strategic growth, Cadbury should apply Ansoff Growth Matrix while focusing on new products and perspective markets. Apparently, there is no need for Cadbury to advance and promote the existing chocolate products since they are already widely acknowledged in terms of quality and high reputation among the Cadburys target markets  [6]  . Appropriate marketing channels set up the strategy which enables Cadbury to win competition, avoid tactical mistakes, maximize profits and achieve success. Cadbury should therefore figure out how it measures success before it can go out and conquer it, whether it is market share, profit margin, return on investment, residual income, brand image, a reputation for being environmentally green, stock share price, or some other measure its stakeholders deem worthy  [7]  . Most companies compete in the market by applying competitive priorities, including quality, cost, flexibility as well as other priorities, depending on their manufacturing capacity. Top management support is the major driver of quality management, which significantly correlates with other quality management practices. In addition to this, customer orientation is not significantly correlated with external quality results (profitability). At that, top management support, employee training, and employee involvement are the three statistically significant variables in explaining the variability in internal quality results  [8]  . Cadburys marketing channels are aimed at the consumer market. The company is focusing much on the needs and wants of the consumer and what exactly differentiates its products from the competition to develop more sales in this market. Thus, Cadbury is working on the promotion of its direct model to create a better position for itself in the consumer market. The peculiarity of Cadburys advertising campaign consists in its focus on the emotions of the chocolate lovers compared to merely logical side of marketing and sales. In such a way, Cadbury reassures its customer support by applying strong emotional advertising campaign focusing on the preferences and likes of the consumers when they opt for a chocolate purchase. In addition to faster transactions, shorter lines and happier customers, such strategic approach to market modeling enables to see interaction with the business through the eyes of the customer, understand customers values and demands, and seek ways to disrupt the competit ive balance. For these purposes, the company is applying such customer-oriented sources as print media, television, radio, Internet, as well as social networks. While aiming to increase Cadburys sales, the companys management emphasizes on the appropriateness of particular marketing activities that would best encourage the demand for Cadburys products. Cadburys marketing objectives coincide with its business strategy priorities ultimately targeted at profit-making and sales increase. Strategic marketing models for Cadbury are identified as follows: (1) Profit maximisation; (2) Survival; (3) Growth; (4) Sales maximisation; (5) Diversification; and (6) Improvement of product image. The rational combination of these strategic marketing models determines the competitive market position of Cadburys. Through profit maximisation, Cadbury solves dual strategic task withstanding competition, on the one hand, and restoring its financial health, on the other hand. Through growth, Cadbury sells new products and expands its exports overseas. This strategy model enables the company to cover new market niches internationally  [9]  . As for now, the company is present in 60 countries worldwide. Meanwhile, the company permanently increases and maximizes its sales. Through diversification, Cadbury spreads its business risks regardless of the successfulness of the sales of one particular product. In marketing terms, it is of utmost strategic importance that Cadbury constantly improves the image of its products by: (1) launching new brands; (2) introducing innovative logos; and (3) applying attractive and convenient packaging. For instance, while promoting one of its chocolate products Fuse, Cadbury marketing strategy was aimed at the growth of chocolate confectionery market, as well as the intensification of its presence on the snacking sector. Prior to launching Fuse, Cadbury ensured that Fuse differed (had relevant points of difference) from the already existing competitors chocolates. While conquering the snaking sector and establishing its competitive share therein, Cadbury created USP (unique selling proposition) which meant that Fuse had unique appeal which differed from any of the existing rival chocolates. It is apparent that the implementation of a successful marketing strategy model requires solid investment. While promoting Fuse, Cadbury heavily invested into testing products ingredients. As a result, final recipe of Fuse included a combination of more than 250 ingredients. This indicates that in marketing terms Cadbury closely related product development to the specialized testing. This helped the company to reach proper consumer demand. The desired outcome was to make each customer feel comfortable with purchased product and not regret their choice. At that, Cadbury is not applying the methods of extreme advertising since its most powerful advertising tool is the word of mouth. In addition, purchasing the products, the customers are feeling they are backed. To enhance consumer demand for its products and establish line promotion Cadbury actively applies available consumer media and advertising sources (including popular magazines, Internet, radio, TV and newspapers). Since 1990s, the company promotes its brands through the taste-stimulating approach which claims that Chocolate is Cadbury. Such high recognition is owned to the brand values previously promoted by the Company, and so now the consumers associate the name of a company with the chocolate as well as the pleasure of chocolate tasting. Since 2000, Cadbury Schweppes enters international markets with Choose Cadbury marketing strategy. The promotional strategy considers consumer awareness as well as the rationality of consumer buying behaviour. The choice of Cadburys marketing strategy is built on the consideration of universal consumer choice. In its strategic consumer-oriented thinking Cadbury developed proper texture and distinctive taste that appeal to the consumers all over the world regardless of their national chocolate preferences  [10]  . Cadburys strategic marketing model was designated in a way to satisfy the major preferences of chocolate lovers. Therefore, the company produced its two most successful brands Dairy Milk to suit dark milk chocolate admirers, and Cadburys Whole Nut, Dream and CDM to suit cream milk chocolate lovers  [11]  . Cadburys product-specialized market strategy enabled the company to grow its market share and lead competition with its main competitors on the confectionery market. 2. Segmentation The annual sales on the UK confectionary market ranges from 5 to 6 billion. Herewith, chocolate sales amount to about 70% and worth 3-4bilion accordingly. Since 2003, Cadbury has been increasing own share on the UK confectionary market which makes up about 1/3 of the market. The remaining part is distributed among Cadburys main rivals Nestle and Mars. While segmenting its target market Cadbury divides heterogeneous demand markets into homogenous groups which are grounded on similar features. Homogeneous segment enables the company to divide its target markets on the basis of homogeneous features  [12]  . While dividing its target market into segments, Cadbury applies segmenting criteria that particularly feature each part of the market: Geographic Segmentation; Demographic Segmentation; Benefits-Sought Segmentation; Psychographic Segmentation; Behavior/Usage Segmentation; and Situation Segmentation Segmentation Base groups diversify target markets on the basis of such criteria as: social class, lifestyles and psychological features (attitudes, interests and opinions), and include the following: Social class; Life-cycle; Income Level; Education; and Ethical background  [13]   Cadburys target market is segmented on the basis of the benefits demanded by the customers with regard to specific chocolate products. Purchase situation assumes: Social surroundings; Physical surroundings; and Temporal perspective The segmentation of Cadburys target markets is made with the consideration of how often consumers buy chocolate products. In this regard, Paretos Principle of 80/20 indicates that 80% of revenue is generated by 20% of customers. Segmentation variables used to segment business markets: Industry; Size; Product demand; Purchasing approaches; Geographic factors; Situational factors; and Seasonal trends In addition, while segmenting its target markets, Cadbury considers the following issues: Differences in consumer preferences for particular chocolate products; The co-relation of the variability of individual customer preferences with the measurable variables; The profitability of the targeted market segment considering its purchasing power and size capacity; and The accessibility and attractiveness of the targeted market  [14]  . 3. Industry position strategic options Cadburys strategic positioning is determined by the choice of appropriate pricing techniques. While emphasizing on high quality of its products, effective promotion and sound advertising, as well as value for money, the company applies competitive pricing strategy to ensure that the adjusted prices do not exceed those of the competitors  [15]  . This strategic choice is reasonable and justified since regardless of individual taste preferences or any other essential factors, consumers regard product value as one of the most decisive factors while making their purchasing decisions. Therefore, Cadbury cannot apply skimming pricing technique in the course of designing and launching a new product. This technique can be applied under the conditions of inelastic demand  [16]  . In addition to the effectively applied competitive pricing strategy, Cadbury focuses on cost plus pricing which helps the company to maximize it profits. While accurately accounting all its costs, Cadbury reaches optimal supply and demand balance and well-balanced positioning on the market compared to its competitors. Alternatively, Cadbury applies positioning pricing to set up the prices with the consideration of demand-side concerns. Through polling and surveying its target markets, Cadburys experts designate the optimal price range that would satisfy the majority of the consumers. This positioning technique is particularly applied to better sell Cadburys chocolate bean, for example. Optimal trading also depends on the financial capacity of the demand-side. Therefore, Cadbury applies demand-based pricing to critically assess the purchasing power of the majority of its consumers. Only under such conditions the company is able to trade its products in accordance with the strategically planned volumes. Hence, selling at the customers price brings Cadbury profits, good reputation and positive feedback from the majority of its customers. 4) Competitor reaction Cadbury should develop new products and promote them domestically as well as internationally. Such product/market growth approach will ensure that the company has diversified range of products which are available and well-recognizable in many countries of the world  [17]  . Such strategic choice will provide the company with enormous comparative advantages over its competitors and will help it to better cope with the hurdles of the global economic crisis. Most importantly, such strategic step will erase the common stereotype claiming that consumers mostly associate Cadbury with chocolate. Evidently, Chocolate is Cadbury marketing approach much facilitated the companys success over the last decade. However, considering the challenges of the global competitive markets, this strategy will not be suitable any longer. Hence Cadbury should transform it into more powerful and innovative global image. The variety of new high-quality and reasonably-priced products will add value to the business activity of Cadbury and will win new overseas markets for the company. This task would require the company to carefully design and develop innovative brands of its products which are not yet present on any of the foreign markets, and which will be potentially demanded by the consumers (i.e. target markets)  [18]  . While developing innovative products and penetrating overseas markets, Cadbury should initially consider the demand-side of its target markets. Among the most important criteria are the following: (1) Average income; (2) Average spending amount on one-time supermarket/store purchasing; (2) Average amount consumers are ready to spend on chocolates, candies, cookies, and/or sweets; (3) PESTLE analysis of the target market with the consideration of the adverse affects caused by the global economic meltdown; and (4) Porter analysis of the targeted market. Such wide coverage of strategic issues will win Cadbury competitive advantage and increase its share on the foreign markets. 5) Preferred strategy Cadburys choice of the optimal marketing strategy should consider their chances of success in terms of market diversification. To reach optimal market diversification, the company should ensure that its new product adheres to the customers needs and preferences. Extensive market research will help Cadbury to explicitly identify its potential target markets for a new product. Herewith, Cadburys marketers should consider the following strategic factors: (1) Financial health of the targeted market; (2) Purchasing capacity of target market; (3) National and individual preferences of target market; (4) Previous experiences of target market in terms of buying and tasting the similar products produced by competitor companies; (5) SWOT analysis in each individual case will ensure that Cadbury eliminates all the possible constraints to the minimum and transforms the threats into potential opportunities. Realistic and achievable strategic objectives should be set in accordance with the SMART approach which designates specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed steps. All strategic steps should be done within the framework of the ongoing marketing research of the target markets as well as vast communication with the potential customers. Questionnaires, opinion polls, surveys, feedbacks and any other networking and communication approaches should be widely applied to critically examine the perspective of the product export to the new market. Prior to designate consumer-friendly price, Cadbury should make the consumers want more. Thus, one of the commonest practices will be free-trial approach that will help Cadbury to seduce consumers with the quality, design, taste, and odour of the new product. Eventually, in addition to the marketing research and consumer communication, Cadbury should vastly apply psychological approaches to evaluate the degree of rationality of the buying behaviour of target market. Contrary to popular belief, most buying decisions and purchasing choices are made irrationally. This is because most purchases are made in a rush as well as under the influence of many additional factors, such as in-store influencers, advice from relatives and/or friends. Normally, buyers do not consult experts of which brand of chocolate to choose. This indicates that Cadbury should consider contingency and diversity of consumer choices  [19]  . Summing up the critical examination of Cadburys strategic marketing choices, it is obvious that one-suit-it-all strategic approach will not bring the company long-term benefits. This means that under the conditions of booming globalization of goods and services, Cadbury should win competitive advantages, new markets, and most importantly consumers through flexibility, innovation, and individual-based approaches to its target markets. The companys market diversification should involve all the domestic factors and conditions as well as consumers as such if the company attempts to reach optimal supply and demand balance, add value, and maximize its profits. The analysis has also shown that single marketing strategy is not enough to achieve strategic objectives and financial success in the contemporary business conditions. Thus, Cadbury should permanently experiment and apply the mix of strategic marketing models which optimal combination will depend on the individual conditions particular to the individual targeted markets. The successful implementation of any strategic marketing model would therefore require situational flexibility as well as the readiness to change under the circumstances. Such variability will enable the company to designate and implement strategic marketing mix which will be individual and particular to each strategic marketing model  [20]  . For instance, the strategic marketing combination of approaches to diversifying Indonesian market will be not the same as the strategic marketing mix applied to the Norwegian market. This is because both markets present heterogeneous cultures, backgrounds, national traditio ns. These economies are different and diverse. This means that Cadbury should vary its strategic approaches on each individual market.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Polygyny benefits Society :: Anthropology

Polygyny benefits Society Polygyny, the social arrangement that permits a man to have more than one wife at the same time, exists in all parts of the world. From our present knowledge, there are very few primitive tribes in which a man is not allowed to enter into more than one union. In fact, ethologists now believe that only one to two percent of all species may be monogamous (Tucker). None of the simian species are strictly monogamous; our closest relatives, the chimpanzees, practice a form of group marriage. Among the 849 human societies examined by the anthropologist Murdock (1957), 75% practiced polygyny. Many peoples have been said to be monogamous, but it is difficult to infer from the data at our disposal whether monogamy is the prevalent practice, the moral ideal, or an institution safeguarded by sanctions (Malinowski 1962). Historically, polygyny was a feature of the ancient Hebrews, the traditional Chinese, and the nineteenth-century Mormons in the United States, but the modern practice of polygyn y is concentrated in Africa, the Middle East, India, Thailand, and Indonesia. The extent to which men are able to acquire multiple wives depends on many factors, including the economic prosperity of the man’s family, the prevailing bride price, the differential availability of marriageable females, the need and desire for additional offspring, and the availability of productive roles for subsequent wives. Even in societies that permit polygyny, the conditions of life for the masses make monogamy the most common form of marriage. The two variations of polygyny are sororal (the cowives are sisters) and nonsororal (the cowives are not sisters). Some societies also observe the custom of levirate, making it compulsory for a man to marry his brother’s widow. It must be remembered that any form of polygyny is never practiced throughout the entire community: there cannot exist a community in which every man would have several wives because this would entail a huge surplus of f emales over males (Malinowski 1962). Another important point is that in reality it is not so much a form of marriage fundamentally distinct from monogamy as rather a multiple monogamy. It is always in fact the repetition of marriage contract, entered individually with each wife, establishing an individual relationship between the man and each of his consorts (Benson 1971). Where each wife has her separate household and the husband visits them in turn, polygynous marriage resembles very closely a temporarily interrupted monogamy.

Friday, July 19, 2019

No Restraint Needed in Our Response to Terrorism Essay -- September 11

No Restraint Needed in Our Response to Terrorism Many liberals have called for restraint in responding to the September 11 attack on the United States. These groups proclaim that we must not ask "who" committed these horrible crimes but instead ask "why" the killers were so angry at the United States. In other words, what has America done to lead these people to the conclusion that murderous terrorism is the only appropriate action. The liberals contend that the terrorists feel that such monumental wrongdoing have been inflicted upon them, their families and their way of life by the United States that such calamitous actions are the only remedy. The statements by these liberals directly implies that the terrorists who killed more than 5,500 innocent Americans were not themselves responsible for the bloodshed inflicted last September 11 but rather that American actions and policies have unjustly driven otherwise peace-loving human beings to commit unprecedented mass murder - the worst act of terrorism the world has ever seen. In response to these liberals' claim that America is at fault, we would like to point out a few of the American actions that Osama bin Laden has used as a motivational tool to drive his evil co-conspirators into violent, suicidal missions. Perhaps then we can decide whether or not these innocent Americans were truly asking for it, as The statements by these liberals seems to claim. This is the list of "monumental wrongs" that the United States has committed: 1) America supported British and U.N. actions to create the State of Israel in 1948. We have helped provide and protect this homeland for the Jewish people following the slaughter of six million Europe... ..., we were savagely and inhumanely attacked; Bush and company have since reserved judgment to make certain we identify the correct perpetrators before responding in an appropriate and effective manner. The outpouring of faith and patriotism are the only things that are helping those who have been bereaved move on with their lives in these dark days. We hope you liberals, would be ashamed to meet the families of 3,500 victims or to the exhausted firefighters who have been digging mutilated bodies out of the wreckage of two 110-story buildings and the Pentagon. At this moment of grief and pain we should all be proud to stand together and support our fellow Americans. Our leaders need our prayers as do the victims and workers. We don't need divisiveness, nor do we need cowardice masquerading as conscience. May justice be served and God Bless America.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tudor Succession Problems Essay -- English History Monarchs England Es

Tudor Succession Problems The Tudor period is unique in that it is marked by succession difficulties in every generation. The Tudor dynasty was plagued by poor health, short-lives and a shortage of male claimants to the throne. For three successive monarchs the throne passed not from ruler to child, but from sibling to sibling and three consecutive monarchs died childless. Henry VIII's search for a suitable male heir to his throne had far reaching ramifications. This period is distinctive in that it would start the precedent of determining the succession by statute in consultation with Parliament. The parliamentary enactments and wills that he had created complicated the succession issue for future generations in the attempt to make the transition from monarch to monarch less problematic. While the Tudor period is generally viewed as a one of stability, the recurring succession difficulties created instability and often posed the threat of civil war and even foreign invasion. The succession problems of the Tudor monarchs were largely caused by their lack of issue, for none of Henry VIII's children had children, poor health and were complicated by plots arising from the uncertainty of the succession, foreign affairs, and the wishes of the monarchs of the periods in relation to Henry VIII's will. The succession of Henry VII was the most difficult of all for he had to win a battle to claim the throne and prevent other factions from rising against him to secure his dynasty. Henry VII's claim to the throne was based not so much on hereditary right, as his victory at Bosworth field. There were other claimants to the throne such as Elizabeth of York, Edward of Warwick, John II of Portugal and John de la Pole who all... ..., and in the third generation of Tudors a lack of children. Consequentially, the successors that did succeed were not always clearly the heir. This led to in extreme cases, like at the start of the reign of Mary, civil war. Henry VIII went to extreme lengths to secure the succession and ensure the continuity of his dynasty, lengths that included separation from the church in Rome and divorce. He also started a precedent of parliamentary consultation in matters concerning the succession, a principle that would become entrenched after the Revolution of 1688. On the other hand Elizabeth I went to extreme lengths to avoid discussing the succession in Parliament and designating a successor. There were good things that came out of what appeared to be problems: arguably the church of England, and the reign of Elizabeth I, one of the most glorious reigns in English history. Tudor Succession Problems Essay -- English History Monarchs England Es Tudor Succession Problems The Tudor period is unique in that it is marked by succession difficulties in every generation. The Tudor dynasty was plagued by poor health, short-lives and a shortage of male claimants to the throne. For three successive monarchs the throne passed not from ruler to child, but from sibling to sibling and three consecutive monarchs died childless. Henry VIII's search for a suitable male heir to his throne had far reaching ramifications. This period is distinctive in that it would start the precedent of determining the succession by statute in consultation with Parliament. The parliamentary enactments and wills that he had created complicated the succession issue for future generations in the attempt to make the transition from monarch to monarch less problematic. While the Tudor period is generally viewed as a one of stability, the recurring succession difficulties created instability and often posed the threat of civil war and even foreign invasion. The succession problems of the Tudor monarchs were largely caused by their lack of issue, for none of Henry VIII's children had children, poor health and were complicated by plots arising from the uncertainty of the succession, foreign affairs, and the wishes of the monarchs of the periods in relation to Henry VIII's will. The succession of Henry VII was the most difficult of all for he had to win a battle to claim the throne and prevent other factions from rising against him to secure his dynasty. Henry VII's claim to the throne was based not so much on hereditary right, as his victory at Bosworth field. There were other claimants to the throne such as Elizabeth of York, Edward of Warwick, John II of Portugal and John de la Pole who all... ..., and in the third generation of Tudors a lack of children. Consequentially, the successors that did succeed were not always clearly the heir. This led to in extreme cases, like at the start of the reign of Mary, civil war. Henry VIII went to extreme lengths to secure the succession and ensure the continuity of his dynasty, lengths that included separation from the church in Rome and divorce. He also started a precedent of parliamentary consultation in matters concerning the succession, a principle that would become entrenched after the Revolution of 1688. On the other hand Elizabeth I went to extreme lengths to avoid discussing the succession in Parliament and designating a successor. There were good things that came out of what appeared to be problems: arguably the church of England, and the reign of Elizabeth I, one of the most glorious reigns in English history.

Ethical Analysis

The Consequential Theory contends that the moral rightness of an action can be determined by looking at it consequences. If the consequences are good, the act is right. If the consequences are bad, the act is wrong. In the case of Kent, he believes that the nudity in the Lucky video game is a bad idea. He feels that some people will be really upset about it. However, the Lucky project can also bring in a great deal of revenue for Broadway, and jobs are at stake. In this case, the consequences of putting the Lucky video games on the market would result In higher revenue or net happiness.On the other hand, the fact that they Lucky video game has full nudity as well as graphic violence will upset a lot of people and they might not support the died game. Brad feels that the games are not ready for the U. S. Market; therefore, he has contacted an Internet provider who will take their game and put it on the Net as an adult product. He has also checked out foreign markets and found that the y can sell the machines to the Mexican market if they tone down the violence.The Taiwanese has agreed to the version the Broadway now has and wants them to develop something more graphic in both areas. By reaching out to the foreign market, this act will also produce net happiness on the other hand it can lead teenagers to violence and internet pornography. In my opinion the fact that Kent realized that producing the Lucky video game with full nudity and graphic violence will upset some people and that they should not go through with the product demonstrates ethical behavior on the part of Broadway Corporation.However, the Joint venture with the Taiwanese group, selling of the machines to the Mexican market and using the Internet is unethical behavior on the part of Broadway Corporation. The Deontological Theory claims that actions can be judged ethically good or bad on the basis of absolute moral principles arrived by human reason regardless of the uniqueness of an action, that is, regardless of whether there is net happiness. Brad is willing to selling the video game to the foreign market as well as a Joint venture with the Taiwanese group.Kent feels that the Lucky video game is a bad idea and feels they should not go with the nudity idea. In my opinion, Brad Is willing to market the Lucky video games to the foreign markets and on the Internet with the nudity and graphic violence is unethical on the part of the Broadway Corporation. By doing this, It may contribute to teenage violence and prone. Kent Is thinking of the people that the Lucky video game might set which is ethical on the part of Broadway Corporation.I nee Dental AT ten Lucky peeve Is ten pronto Tanat Broadway corporation will make. The test market results suggested that the nudity and graphic violence increased profitability dramatically. The cost of the Lucky video game will be the video design, development, implementation, and operation. Other costs include site and facility and the shipping of the video games globally. Under the Consequential Theory, the benefit is increased profitability which is net happiness; therefore, the Lucky project is good because of the profitability.Under the Deontological Theory, by selling to the foreign markets and internet, Broadway Corporation saying that it is okay for the foreign markets to sell video games with graphic violence and nudity to the U. S. Markets. The Broadway Corporation should consider taking out the nudity and graphic violence in the Lucky video game. After all their target market is children aged 5 to 12 and teenagers between the ages of 13 to 19 and of this market 75% are male. The Broadway Corporation can end up Jeopardizing their stance in the video market by producing and selling the Lucky video game.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Parents Magazine Analysis

For this rough draft, you be to post ONLY your adducement rough the target hearing, NOT the complete paper. come after the bailiwick Geographic example beneath for writing your thesis. This assignment is excellent for select how to conduct good research. The Magazine summary (rev. 12/2009) ASSIGNMENT To indite an digest of a currently published powder cartridge clip publisher. by dint of c atomic number 18ful observation, form a precise conclusion most the audience for which the magazine is intended. In addition to identifying the intended audience, state the major aspire of the magazine.After you capture examined the magazine, form a thesis and write a 750-word essay based on your conclusions. Here is a sample thesis for National Geographic magazine National Geographic, with a target market of 25 to 54- year- old college attendees and graduate males with a normal household income of $98,900, furthers scientific and geographic companionship and interest, with outstanding photography being its strongest change point. (I found this information through research). Suggestions fill THREE CONSECUTIVE issues of a magazine published in the last year. count at such things as the titles of the articles, the character of the paper, the cartoons or illustrations, advertisements, issue cost, and letters to the editor. be you familiar with any of the authors? Selectively represent the articles, looking for consistent patterns of thought, ideas, or customary outlook. Some of the purposes of a magazine canister be to promote a policy-making or moral purpose, to inform, to sell products, and to entertain. ground on the above suggestions, form a conclusion around the audience and purpose for the magazine. Be sure you are not just listing the contents of the magazine, only if that you are using the contents as the basis and PROOF for your claims about the targeted audience and purpose of the magazine. For example, if you tell me that 90% o f the articles are about politics and contain principally liberal views, your claim could be that the commodious majority of readers are left-wing liberals and the magazines purpose is to support/promote their views.Then you could say, On rascal 22 thither is an article supporting throttle control, on page 34 there is an essay about legalizing marijuana, on page 45 there is an essay about.. Use the information to SUPPORT YOUR CLAIMS about the intended audience and the purpose of the magazine. Goals To learn to use the periodical section of the library. To practise forming an essay from researching outside material. To draw conclusions from primary(a) sources. To make claims and SUPPORT your claims with valid, reliable information. To coiffure using MLA when citing information in-text and creating a industrial plant Cited page. (You must use in-text citations and include a properly formatted Works Cited page. Include at least the three magazine issues you employ for you r paper on the Works Cited page. captivate Pocket Keys for Writers, the Gregg Reference Manual, or a grammar book for MLA rules).